Start your bath repair off with a bang – firework night

Start your bath repair off with a bang – firework night

Firework displays are being held this weekend in mass as it is the most exciting day of the year (apart from Christmas of course). Locally, there are a couple of displays going on near us, Thorpe Arnold Cricket Club and Twinlakes Theme Park are the most popular ones in Melton Mowbray. However, if fireworks are not for you then you could opt to repair them small chips in the bath instead.

If you have purchased a kit this week then leaving the repair until the weekend when all the kids are out at firework displays could be the best option for you. Then no-one will be able to disturb you (also there is the added opportunity for you to sit and relax with a cup of tea or even a hot chocolate). If you need guidance on how to use our kit visit this page.

Another option is if you don’t have a damage to fix you could purchase our scratch remover and polishing compound on Amazon and spend the evening making your bath look brand new again. Here is how to use the polish:

  1. Get a lint-free, microfibre cloth and apply a small amount of polish on to it
  2. Apply heavy pressure, in a circular motion on to the scratched area for 2-3 minutes

This product can be used in conjunction with our Bath Brightener which will soon be available to you. By using our Bath Brightener after the polish this will stop soap build up in your bathroom for a long period of time meaning your weekly cleaning will be much simpler!

firework night

After all this has done, don’t forget to have a nice hard earned rest before the kids come back and make the bathroom dirty again. Take a seat on the sofa and catch up on some missed programmes!

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