Caravan and Motorhome Repairs – What you need to know

Caravan and Motorhome Repairs – What you need to know

Caravan and Motorhome Repairs – What you need to know

We regularly receive calls and emails asking if our repair kits are suitable for shower trays and other plastic surfaces found in caravans and motorhomes. We’re pleased to say, yes they are!

There are many specialist caravan and motorhome repair companies around who will happily come out, repair the damage in the shower tray in your caravan and charge you a couple of hundred pounds for the privilege. In addition to this, these specialist repair companies will often tell you that a surface repair of this kind should only be undertaken by a professional. This is absolutely not the case.

Whilst there definitely is a time and a place for having a repair specialist carry out the job for you, it is not the only way. For those of you looking for a more cost-effective repair solution, look no further!

Our repair kits are a great DIY solution for repairing any chips, dents or scratches in any caravan or motorhome shower tray.

With most repair specialists, you would need to book a suitable appointment and wait around for the repair to be completed. In contrast to this, all of our kits are on next day delivery as standard and depending on which of our kits you choose, your repair can be completed in as little as 3 hours meaning you can be back on the road with a fully functioning shower much faster.

All of our repair kits come with full photographic instructions on how to use the kit. We also have a step by step video showing exactly how to carry out your repair and if you need further assistance, you can contact our experienced team for technical advice specific to your repair.

For technical advice

Call us on +44 (0) 1664 480876 or email

You can also contact us through our website by clicking here.

You can order a kit online by visiting

or call our sales team on +44 (0) 1664 480866 to place an order over the phone.

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