5 of the biggest bathroom design mistakes

5 of the biggest bathroom design mistakes

When changing your bathroom design it is essential to take your time and think about what you really want and where you are going to put it before ordering all the items and then realising you are going to have to send some of it back. So here are 5 of the biggest bathroom design mistakes to keep in mind to make sure you don’t have any mishaps.

  1. Inaccurate measurements
    Make sure you measure every single nook and cranny twice or even three times to make sure that all the units will fit perfectly. You don’t want to be ordering your bath or toilet and then realise it doesn’t fit.
  2. Underestimating a mirror
    We all want our bathroom to look bright and cheerful. So, by making sure that your mirror is as big as possible, but also suitable, it will create better lighting in your bathroom due to the sun bouncing in every direction from the mirror to the walls.
  3. Not thinking about tiles
    Choosing tiles and then finding out they aren’t going to fit the walls how you thought they would is sadly a common thing. By spending time choosing the correct colour, size, shape and even grout it will ensure that your bathroom design will look perfect.
  4. Choosing incompatible product
    Be sure to check what type of water system your home has as no-one wants a low pressure shower do they? By asking a plumber or handyman to find out your water system it will help you with choosing the most suitable products.
  5. Forgetting about accessories
    By adding accessories to your bathroom it will create a better atmosphere and bring all the other elements together. Details such as candles, vases and vessels will add those all-important finishing touches to your bathroom design. 

If you have a small bathroom take a look at this blog to help you make it look bigger.

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