What are the best bathtub repair kits? Bathtub Repair

What are the best bathtub repair kits? Bathtub Repair

What are the best bathtub repair kits? Bathtub Repair

What are the best bathtub repair kits?

There are so many ways you can damage your bathtub and different methods to carry out repairs. Let’s look at the various types of damage and the best bathtub repair kits for the job!

Help! My bathtub is leaking…

This is your first check of any bathtub or shower tray damage. Has the damage penetrated through the surface? Are there any water leaks? Have a quick look around the area for watermarks and damp, and if you spot any issues it’s putty time!

Our Putty Repair Kit can be applied to holes, splits and cracks, sealing your bathtub or shower so you can use it the same day! First you’ll need to thoroughly clean and dry the area, so it’s completely free from any dust, grease or detergent.

Break off the amount of Putty needed, knead between your fingers for 1 minute and, where possible, apply to the underside of your bathtub or shower tray. If this is not possible, see our tips section below. The Putty will harden after 5 minutes and will be at full strength in 24 hours.

Next, apply the acrylic adhesive. Mix the two containers together to the exact ratio. Put the cap on and let it sit for 5 mins so that any air bubbles come to the surface. The liquid will start to harden as soon as the two parts are mixed, so apply within 15 minutes for the best results.

Chipped, dented or scratched bathtubs

You’ve found a chip, dent or scratch, but the damage isn’t bad enough to cause a leak. You’re looking for an affordable way to repair your bathtub over the weekend. Whether it’s made of acrylic, fibreglass, enamel, ceramic or porcelain, you can easily fix the damage.

Our low-cost Acrylic Bath Repair Kit cures in only 24 hours. So, you can apply it straight after your morning bath or shower, and it’ll be ready to use the very next day! Clean the damaged area thoroughly and make sure the surface is dry. Mix the two parts together by following the box instructions. Apply using the supplied syringe and place the polythene film over the area. Smooth it outwards using light pressure, ensuring there’s no air bubbles.

Once the liquid has fully cured (12 – 24 hours), remove the polythene and rub down the area with emery paper (supplied). Use the Acrylic Polish to achieve a smooth gloss finish.

Super-fast bathtub repairs!

Don’t have time to wait? The kids will be coming home from school later and they’ll need a bath this evening. You or your partner have a post-work sports session or fitness class, which means you will need a pre-bed shower. Or you’re going out this evening and you want to freshen up and look your best. Don’t worry – rapid repairs are our specialism!

Our Rapid Set Repair Kit enables you to carry out a repair in ONLY 3 HOURS! This kit can be used on chips, dents and scratches in both your bathtub and your shower. Follow the box instructions, which are similar to our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit, but remember this is a fast-setting product! Apply within 15 minutes and the liquid will fully cure within 3 – 6 hours.

All-in-one shower repairs

And last but not least we have a way of repairing your shower tray which INCLUDES PUTTY for fixing any leaks or strengthening areas. If you have an old, damaged shower tray, but it matches your bathroom suite, why change it when you can fix it? You can easily repair chips, dents, scratches, splits, cracks and hairline cracks, as well as holes leaking water.

Our Shower Tray Repair Kit is your one-stop-shop approach to shower tray repairs. This kit comes with a piece of Epoxy Putty to plug those leaks and give extra strength to weak areas of your shower. Plus, it also comes with a Bathroom Brightener, so you can achieve a glorious, high-gloss finish when used with the supplied Acrylic Polish. Simply follow the box instructions.

3 Tips for successful bathtub repairs

All of our products are really easy to use, but here’s a few simple tips to help you achieve a successful repair first-time round:

  1. Repairing a hairline crack? Using a bradawl, nail or a gimlet, carefully work around the edges to create a chipped area. This will give you a greater surface area, allowing the product to adhere better to the damaged area.
  2. Repairing a chip? Check the depth of the chip is at least 2 – 3mm deep, as this will enable the product to stay in place after it’s cured and ready for sanding.
  3. Repairing extensive damage? Need to use our Putty, but you can’t access the underside of your bath or shower tray? Use a pin or unopened paperclip to push the Putty through the damaged area from the top surface. You’ll need to allow a 2 – 3mm depth from the bottom of the Putty to the top, so the product’s able to adhere.

We love to know how our customers fix their bathtubs and showers. So, once you’ve tried out one of the above repairs, please don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @bathrepairkit! Use the hashtag #bathrepairkit

Did you know that we’ve got a really useful tool that can help you find the right repair product on our website? Help me find the right product…

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