Trustpilot Reviews

Trustpilot Reviews

For a company reviews can be the make or break for them. However, it is apparent that the majority of people who write reviews are those with negative feedback rather than those who have a happy response to the product and/or service. Anyone who feels like they haven’t got their ‘moneys worth’ tend to be the ones who will complain.

Giving a company feedback used to be writing a letter and sending it to the company. Times have changed though and now there are thousands of ways a company can receive a review, whether that be via email, telephone or online review companies. Either way, this is now a quick and easy way to state your opinion of a company and tarnish their reputation within seconds.

At Anglo Adhesives, we believe we are a respectful company. We believe that all our customers should be treated equally whether they are angry or happy with our products. This is why we have made a Trustpilot account, we want to be completely honest.

The fact is that we are in the real world and know that not every customer is going to be 100% satisfied with our service or products but we like to hope that they can be. That’s just the reality of being is the manufacturing sector.

Our vision is to try and make sure that every single one of our customers is 100% happy. We want you to be grateful that you used our product to repair your bath back to new.

Don’t get us wrong, we have had a few negative reviews but we believe that we can turn these negative experiences into positive ones and resolve the customers issues by being honest and sincere.

When you have a few minutes to spare whilst waiting for your partner to get ready or waiting at the train station, quickly get out your phone and review us on Trustpilot. It takes 2 minutes! We would be eternally grateful!

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