How to get rid of limescale on your shower head

How to get rid of limescale on your shower head

So you’ve been stood in the shower the last few days and have realised that there are a few dots of limescale around the nozzles of the which doesn’t look too appealing. I have put together an easy step by step guide to help you get rid of the grime.

You’ll need:

  • A container large enough to fit your shower head in
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Old rag
  • Old toothbrush
  • Soft cloth

1. Take the shower head off
Remove the shower head from the hose. This may be difficult sometimes so wrap the old rag around the connection and twist it using all the muscle you have!

2. Place the shower head in the bucket
Put the shower head into the container and then fill the bucket with enough white vinegar so that the head is covered. The acids in the vinegar will dissolve the limescale deposits.

3. Soak the shower head in vinegar
Leave the head in the vinegar for around 30 minutes or even overnight if the build up is quite bad. If the shower head is made from brass don’t leave it soaking for any longer than 30 minutes.

4. Scrub the remaining particles away
Remove the shower head from the vinegar and give it a good rinse. Using an old toothbrush scrub the area around the nozzles gently, you should notice flakes of limescale dropping off. Then rinse with cold water.

shower head

5. Dry the shower head
Take a soft cloth and dry and polish the shower head until there are no water droplets left. Next, screw the shower head back on. After this, turn the water on again to make sure all the residue has been flushed out of the nozzles.

And there you go! Your shower head should be looking shiny and brand new again.

White vinegar can also be used for cleaning limescale off other surfaces in your bathroom such as your taps.

If you have noticed a chip in your shower tray we have the perfect repair kit for you.

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