Mend a bath with our brilliant bath repair kit

Mend a bath with our brilliant bath repair kit

Please raise your hand if you’ve ever felt daunted by the idea of doing DIY on your own bath. When you look down and see the chip, crack, or hole in your lovely white bath or shower tray, it kills any happiness you have when having a soak. Its worrying enough thinking how you could repair these damages let alone actually having to do so! Well there’s good news: repairing your own damaged bath doesn’t have to be a drama. With the correct adhesive and tools at your disposal, you can easily repair your own chips or holes in your bath – all without having to pay for a plumber, tiler or a huge budget. Go and grab your repair kit, and we’ll talk through how to use it right now in this blog post. When we’re done you’ll know exactly how to repair your brilliant bath so that you can show it off to the world again.

5 simple steps to mending your bath


I thought I’d give you a brief insight into what our product does before we get into the nitty gritty of how to repair your broken bath. The bath repair kit mixture can be used on a variety of surfaces such as acrylic, fiberglass, enamel and porcelain to repair the chips, cracks or leaks in your bath. Firstly, our bath repair kit is a two-part acrylic adhesive containing a unique colour pigment (European White 1w28) which hardens at room temperature by polymerization (I know, big word) of part 1, the viscous mixture of an acrylic polymer syrup. You then mix part 1 with part 2, a liquid catalyst solution, to create our bath repair kit adhesive that you then apply to the damage on your bath.

  1. Preparation:
    To begin with, go grab a cloth and give the damaged area a good clean. By doing this you’re ensuring that the area is free from dust, grease or soap. If these areas aren’t completely clean the adhesive will not cure properly and give inferior performance which is not the aim of the game.
  2. Safety:
    This is where you may want your protective gloves. Part 1 and 2 containers are measured to the exact mixing ratio, this ensures that when both containers contents are mixed together they will set within the time stated, e.g. 3-6 hours. The adhesive won’t polymerise (fancy word again) if different proportions of part 2 are used within the mixture. If you are perhaps a little clumsy and you spill any of the components on you ensure that you thoroughly wash them please so you don’t cause harm to yourself! Also, in the off chance that you smoke please refrain from doing so as part 1 is flammable!
  3. Mixing:
    Now for the fun bit! Add the complete contents of part 1 and part 2 together. Mix the two parts in the aluminium container, slowly and thoroughly using the stirring rod provided. When stirring some air bubbles may appear which you may be puzzled by but don’t worry just replace the lid on the aluminium container and wait for the bubbles to rise to the top, approx. 5 minutes.
  4. Application:
    Take the syringe with your prominent hand and extract the mixed liquid from the container. Now for the tricky bit… apply this liquid to the damaged area making sure it is overfilled. That’s a key point! Next, place the polythene film on the treated area and using light pressure (I know it’s hard when you’ve got such big muscles) smooth it outwards from the centre to ensure there are no air bubbles. The surface of the repair such be proud of the surrounding area, if not, don’t hesitate, just add a little more of the remaining mixture and repeat the process!
  5. Finishing touches:
    Now have a sit down with a cup of tea for a few hours whilst the liquid cures. Once the liquid has fully cured, e.g. 3-6 hours, the polythene can be removed. Rub down the repaired area with the emery paper supplied and polish the area using the acrylic polish and cotton wool to ensure a smooth glossy finish.

So that’s it! You now know the ins and outs of how to repair your bath quickly and easily without getting in a fluster. There was no need to be worried about doing a bit of your own DIY. Got any other questions? If you click here it will send you through to our YouTube tutorials which should solve any queries.

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