How to make your bathroom smell fresh

How to make your bathroom smell fresh

When damp and moisture is built up in areas it can create a not so pleasant smell. In addition to regularly cleaning your bathroom, you can add an extra few items to keep the smell more fresh and pleasant. To make your bathroom smell fresh follow these simple tips:

1. Use essential oils
Essential oils are much more natural and the smell can last longer than many artificial scents that can be bought. Lemon and orange are very popular scents which also give a very fresh and natural smell that will perk up your bathroom. Alternatively, lavender is another option as it has calming properties which are great for when you are having a soak in the bath. You can do this discreetly by soaking a cotton ball in oil and then putting it in your vanity draw!

2. Potpourri 
This is one of the easiest scents to make as you can use leftover herbs and spices from your kitchen to create a fresh scent. Simply grab some mint, cinnamon, or left over zest from a lime or lemon and combine it with flowers and woods from your garden in a jar.

3. Plants or flowers
Believe it or not, flowers and plants are a natural air purifier. You can by automated air purifiers but flowers and plants can do a much better job of making your bathroom smell nice. They are great to look at as well!

4. Let air flow
When masses of steam is created when showering it is important to let that steam out as soon as possible. Try to use an extractor fan or keep your window open in the bathroom for as long as you can to make sure that the room completely dries out else mould could appear and we don’t want that!

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