How to improve your shower experience

How to improve your shower experience

Ever get the feeling that your shower isn’t good enough? You want it to be more powerful or feel more luxurious? After all, it is part of your daily routine and you want to feel energised and clean after every wash so why not give it a little extra feature? Here is a few tips on how to improve your experience:

  1.  Install a bath-shower
    Not everyone has room for both in their bathroom but if you do it’s a great idea. There are many new shaped baths (P-shaped) that give you that little bit of extra room where the shower is so that you don’t feel like you’re trapped and extra room to move when you’re relaxing in the bath as well. Perfect!
  2. A luxury cabin
    Everyone wants to feel as if they live the life of luxury sometimes and this is one way how to. Push the boat out and invest in a luxury cabin! This will include jets coming from all angles to make sure that every part of your body is refreshed and rejuvenated.
  3. Rainfall shower head
    If you feel like you need a shower that completely covers your body all the time rather than one that blasts your back and head then this is the option for you. Rainfall heads provide a full body shower that will make you feel revitalised and it will gently rinse you with soft falling water in the meantime.
  4. A power pump
    However, if you feel that you prefer a high power clean then his is a better option for you. Installing a pump into your existing system will instantly increase the pressure of the water that flows from your shower head giving you a better experience.

If your shower tray or bath gets damaged then feel free to view our repair products.

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