How to make your own bath salts

How to make your own bath salts

Bath salts are a great way to relax. Mother’s Day is around the corner and what is more thoughtful than making something yourself rather than going to a shop and buying the product. You can tailor the bath salts to suit your mums needs and preferences perfectly so that she will really love the gift. Everyone’s mum loves to have a relaxing bath every now and then don’t they? Or even as often as every day!

2 cups of epsom salt – this helps relieve itchiness and draws impurities from the body.
2 teaspoons of jojoba oil – this oil is perfect for soothing your skin.
5-10 drops of essential oil – choose your mums favourite scent for this one, whether it be lavender, sandalwood etc.
Liquid food colouring – to make the salts look nicer.
A glass jar

  1. Mix the epsom salt and jojoba oil together, making sure there are no lumps in the mixture.
  2. Add the drops of essential oil to the mixture. Keep smelling the mixture until you are happy with the strength of the scent.
  3. Add the food colouring, depending on what colour you want the salts to be this could be a small amount or a lot.
  4. Mix all the components together again and then empty the bath salts into a jar.
  5. Wrap the jar up in some luxury wrapping paper or tie a pretty ribbon around the top and get a nice gift tag to attach as well with a cute note on.

If you want a list of other gifts to get your mum for Mother’s Day then click here

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