How to Make Bath Time More Fun for Kids

How to Make Bath Time More Fun for Kids

How to Make Bath Time More Fun for Kids

As a child, getting dirty is an integral part of day to day life. For some children – the dirtier the better! Particularly now that we are heading into Autumn, the likelihood of outdoor play, sports or digging for worms resulting in a muddy child is quite high! Anyone for a mud pie? It’s just so much fun!

You know what isn’t fun? Making sure your child is clean after their day of fun and muck! In 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 Pandemic, cleanliness is now at the forefront of peoples minds and if you have a child that doesn’t like bath time, it can feel like a constant uphill battle to make sure that your little one is clean. So how do you get your little one to have just as much fun having a bath and getting clean as they do getting dirty? Here we have put together a list of our top 5 tips for parents to ensure that bath time is as much fun as can be!

  1. Give your kids a mirror! It’s great fun making a fluffy bubble beard or a silly mohawk when they have wet hair – a mirror allows them to see their creations!
  2. There are plenty of household objects that make great bath time play accessories. For example, a colander makes a great fun water shower! (Be sure not to use anything breakable).
  3. Make the bath glow in the dark! A pack of glowsticks in the bottom of the bath make for a great colourful glow in the dark experience. Once your little one is safely sat in the bath, turn off the lights so they can enjoy the glow from in the water!
  4. Turn bath time into story time by reading your child’s favourite book to them while they are in the bath.
  5. Bath toys! Bath time can be both fun and educational with a careful selection of bath toys. With foamy letters and numbers or bath crayons, your little one can learn to spell their name, count to ten or create an artistic masterpiece on the sides of the bath all while getting clean!

So, there you have it! Bath time needn’t be a chore or a never ending battle, it’s all about making sure your little one has a great time while also getting clean. We hope that we have inspired you to find innovative ways of getting your child to love bath time!

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