Acrylic Bath Repair Kit – Waiting Times

Acrylic Bath Repair Kit – Waiting Times

Acrylic Bath Repair Kit – Waiting Times

When using our Acrylic Bath Repair Kits, there are a few different waiting times to take into account. To make sure that you are using the correct timings, here is a quick guide to how long you should be waiting at each interval, so grab yourself a cup of tea and read on!

Waiting for Air Bubbles

Once you have mixed Part One and Part Two together, you need to wait to allow any air bubbles to come to the surface. We recommend that you replace the cap onto the aluminium bottle and wait for a maximum of 5 minutes. We advise checking the mixture during this time and if no air bubbles are present then you are safe to continue with your repair.

From Bottle to Bath

When you’ve completed the mixing and there are no air bubbles present, you are ready to move on to applying the product. Using the syringe provided, extract the mixed liquid from the aluminium container. Apply to the surface of the bath or shower tray within 15 minutes.

Once you have applied the liquid to the damaged area and placed the polythene film over the top, you can relax!

Initial Cure Time

This is when the repair liquid is starting to set.

At normal room temperature (20 to 22°C) our Bathtub Repair Kit, Rapid Bathtub Repair Kit and Putty Kit will all begin to set after approximately 60 minutes. This may be slightly longer in a colder environment. It is important to be aware that the mixed liquid will become hot while it is curing, both on the surface you have repaired and any left over liquid in the aluminium bottle so be careful if you have small children or curious pets!

Final Curing Time

This is when you can complete the job and get your bathroom back in action!

For our Bathtub Repair Kit, the repair should be fully cured in 12 to 24 hours.

If you are using the Rapid Bathtub Repair Kit or Putty Kit, the liquid should be fully cured in 3 to 6 hours.

Once the liquid has cooled and cured fully, you can remove the polythene film and finish the repair by rubbing down with the emery paper and don’t forget the all important polish provided in the kit to make the surface of your bath shine!

For more information about using our Acrylic Bath Repair Kits, you can head over to our YouTube channel and check out our video guides by clicking here.

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