Worldwide Transportion

Worldwide Transportion

We are very happy to announce that we now provide Worldwide Transportation and can ship your order to wherever you are in the world

Our high quality product has become well-known to you, the customer. We have been receiving order requests from around the world so we felt that it was unfair to disappoint. We set about to fix the problem and have now made our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit available to all customers – Worldwide.

We have teamed up with, Fedex the International Courier, who are providing us with an Express Delivery service using their International Priority team of couriers.

Orders within the UK

If you live in the United Kingdom our order system will default to the UK so you do not have to take any further action. Just click the ‘Buy Online‘ button, add to your basket and then follow the payment instructions. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us via email (click on ‘Contact Us’ at top of page), telephone: 01664 480 866 or fax: 01664 480963.

What if your order is from outside of the UK?

If you live in a country located outside of the United Kingdom, we have divided our freight charges into six zones for your ease. Click on the red italics that state ‘additional freight charges…’ to locate your zone. Then select your zone by clicking in the delivery option (where you will find the six available zones listed for quick selection) and proceed to add to your basket and purchase.

We use an International Priority system of carriage. This means that when we receive your order, it is processed and dispatched on the same day using our express delivery service. Remember that this only happens on working days Mon – Fri and not the weekends or bank holidays.

I hope you are as happy as we are with this news.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us via email (click on ‘Contact Us’ at top of page), telephone: +44 1664 480 866 or fax: +44 1664 480963.

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