Send us your snaps!

Send us your snaps!

Have you recently done a repair using our kit? We would really like to see your handy work! It doesn’t have to be a professional image simply grab your mobile and send us your before and after snaps now!

Why should you send us your snaps?

We love to get customer feedback from you as this helps us to improve our product and services for future customers who may be unsure on how well our product really works. By us showing people before and after images of your repair it will give customers the satisfaction that the product will work for them too!

How do i send the images?

There are many ways in which you can share your snaps with us. Here is a list of them:

Facebook –

Twitter – @BathtubR

Email –

If you send us your images they could be featured on our wall of fame for the best looking repair, we are really appreciative of you taking a few spare minutes to do this.

What is the best size image to send?

The ideal sizes for social media images are as follows (px = pixels):

Facebook – 1,200 x 628 px

Twitter – 1,024 x 512 px

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure how to make your images this size we will still accept them and publish them for the world to see.

Creating a timeline of your repair

If you want to go one step further than the rest, feel free to send us step by step images of your repair process. This will make us even more grateful for the time you have spent taking the images.

We hope that you have found our repair kit useful and that your bath now looks beautiful again. We can’t wait to see your snaps!

If you have any issues with your repair feel free to contact us.

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