New Year, New Bathroom – 2018 Bathroom Trends

New Year, New Bathroom – 2018 Bathroom Trends

It’s the beginning of a new year and you feel like you need a change in your bathroom. Unsure on what style or design you want to go for? We have the latest 2018 bathroom trends right here for you to take a look at…

1. Heritage-style shower rooms
These style bathrooms are traditionally found in Victorian or Edwardian homes but are becoming far more popular now with the growth of television dramas set in this era. The main feature is normally a roll top bath, but if you haven’t got enough room for one of these then a shower cubicle with brass handles could be an alternative option to get the desired look.

2. His & Hers showers
With the ever growing design of having 2 wash basins for him and her, having 2 showers is also now becoming popular due to people having to rush more in the morning rather than being able to wait a few minutes for their spouse.

3. Indigo blue
In 2018 indigo blue is now considered to be the new black for bathroom trends.This colour brings vibes of the sea, calm and clarity to your bathroom, perfect for when you are taking a soak in the bath.

4. Sunken baths
This probably isn’t something that is within everyone’s price range or taste but who wouldn’t love to bring the boutique hotel feel into their own home? Granted to have a sunken bath you would need a large bathroom with different levels within it for this to ever work but why not?

5. Bold splashes of colour
1970’s avocado is out of the window now but other bright colours are now a trend. Add a splash of red or yellow to your wash basin or shelves to give an outlandish feel to your bathroom this year.

They are just some of this years bathroom trends. If you are thinking about changing your bathroom read our other blog ‘6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Bathroom Design.’

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