5 things you shouldn’t store in your bathroom

5 things you shouldn’t store in your bathroom

You may not be aware of this but there are some items that you should not keep in your bathroom. We all are at fault for this but its seems like common sense that these things should be kept in your bathroom. Well here is a list of the items that are recommended to stay out of the bathroom:

Spare razor blades

Everyone must have some of these in their vanity unit or drawer but did you know that the humidity and temperature change can cause them to prematurely rust meaning that they could be useless when you eventually come round to using them. So make sure to keep them in a dry place at room temperature.


When stored in hospitals or doctors surgery’s medicine is generally kept at room temperature. If the medicine temperature constantly changes it can eventually eliminate the effectiveness of it which nobody wants! So try to keep any medicine in a cool dry place.


Any form of material that jewellery is made from should be kept away from heat and water in order for them to last a significant amount of time and not fade in colour. Especially if it is something expensive! Try to keep your jewellery stored in your bedroom or somewhere dry and safe.

Make up

There’s nothing worse than a melted lipstick is there ladies. If you leave your make up in the bathroom it will heat up and down constantly which will effect the formula of the products and the quality. Try to keep make up at a constant room temperature.

Spare towels

Now this is the biggest surprise because where else would you keep them? But do you want the smell of damp of clean towels when you next come to use them? No, but leaving them in there they will soak up moisture and become damp and mouldy. However, it isn’t reasonable to keep your towels anywhere else so just ensure that a window or fan is on for a period of time after bathing so that the towels can dry out.

If you know of any other products that shouldn’t be kept in a bathroom please feel free to email us.

Bathroom warning
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