3 Bathroom Remodeling Tips and Tricks

3 Bathroom Remodeling Tips and Tricks

The bathroom is one of the most difficult rooms in your house to remodel, besides the kitchen. Many aspects of the room have to be thoroughly thought about before starting the project else everything could fall to pieces (not literally!). By reading these 3 tips and tricks you will know where to start with your bathroom remodeling.

  1. Create a plan
    Once you have compiled some ideas and all your dimensions, it’s time to put together a plan! Start by thinking about all the major furniture you would like to add to your bathroom from the bath/shower to the cabinets, radiators etc. You will also want to consider what suppliers and/or contractors you want to use and what their prices may be.
    An even easier way to plan your bathroom is to do a small sketch. Grab some paper and draw the outline of your bathroom from a birds eye view and then add in all the components until you are happy with how it looks.
  2. The bath or shower is the centerpiece so make the most of it!
    Your bath or shower is normally the biggest feature of your bathroom and everything else should be fitted around it. To keep costs low, just replace the faucet, shower head and other small features as by just updating old pieces can have a big impact. Or if you are looking to completely replace your bath/shower make sure that the dimensions are correct and then the end image will look fantastic!
  3. Don’t forget the details
    Lighting, accessories and other features can be overlooked when remodeling a bathroom so make sure that you have planned all these as well as they will make a huge impact to the appearance if you forget them!

Bathroom remodeling can be easy or hard depending on how much planning you do so be sure to do lots to avoid disappointment.

If you damage your bathroom when you remodel our bath repair kit will fix it!

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