20 Christmas Bathroom Decorations – Part 3

20 Christmas Bathroom Decorations – Part 3

As Christmas is now approaching us faster and faster, have you thought about putting your decorations up yet? Most people have, however, i know some people don’t get into the Christmas spirit until a lot closer to Christmas. But who doesn’t love to make their house look Christmassy and cosy at this time of the year? Here are the next 5 Christmas bathroom decorations that are worth considering:

  1. Snowman dustbin

    Bringing a festive dustbin into the house can help with litter being left lying around as the kids may enjoy visiting the snowman regularly to keep their Christmas spirits up.
  2. Coastal bathroom
    If you aren’t the biggest fan of Christmas bathroom decorations then choosing a more coastal theme with the odd stocking hanging up can create a calm and cosy atmosphere also without it being overwhelming.
  3. Vintage red
    This is definitely a required taste but if you like a dark red theme in your bathroom then why not add some holly and pine leaves to make the atmosphere more Christmassy.
  4. Angel figurines
    These beautiful crystal figurines will look perfect in your bathroom next to the sink or on a shelf. They are also quite subtle so they won’t make a dramatic effect to your already themed bathroom.
  5. Hang stockings
    If this isn’t an obvious Christmas bathroom decoration then i don’t know what is! They are easy to find and cheap to purchase, with so many different patterns and pictures there will always be one to fit with your current bathroom colours.

And that’s your 5 for this week! Next Monday will be the last of our list but by then maybe you will have put up at least some of you decorations?

Click here for our last Christmas bathroom decorations blog.

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